IXF === This command instructs pgloader to load data from an IBM `IXF` file. Using advanced options and a load command file ---------------------------------------------- The command then would be: :: $ pgloader ixf.load And the contents of the ``ixf.load`` file could be inspired from the following: :: LOAD IXF FROM data/nsitra.test1.ixf INTO postgresql:///pgloader TARGET TABLE nsitra.test1 WITH truncate, create table, timezone UTC BEFORE LOAD DO $$ create schema if not exists nsitra; $$, $$ drop table if exists nsitra.test1; $$; Common Clauses -------------- Please refer to :ref:`common_clauses` for documentation about common clauses. IXF Source Specification: FROM ------------------------------ Filename where to load the data from. This support local files, HTTP URLs and zip files containing a single ixf file of the same name. Fetch such a zip file from an HTTP address is of course supported. IXF Loading Options: WITH ------------------------- When loading from a `IXF` file, the following options are supported: - *truncate* When this option is listed, pgloader issues a `TRUNCATE` command against the PostgreSQL target table before reading the data file. - *disable triggers* When this option is listed, pgloader issues an `ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE TRIGGER ALL` command against the PostgreSQL target table before copying the data, then the command `ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE TRIGGER ALL` once the `COPY` is done. This option allows loading data into a pre-existing table ignoring the *foreign key constraints* and user defined triggers and may result in invalid *foreign key constraints* once the data is loaded. Use with care. - *create table* When this option is listed, pgloader creates the table using the meta data found in the `DBF` file, which must contain a list of fields with their data type. A standard data type conversion from DBF to PostgreSQL is done. - *table name* This options expects as its value the possibly qualified name of the table to create. - *timezone* This options allows to specify which timezone is used when parsing timestamps from an IXF file, and defaults to *UTC*. Expected values are either `UTC`, `GMT` or a single quoted location name such as `'Universal'` or `'Europe/Paris'`.