Reporting Bugs ============== pgloader is a software and as such contains bugs. Most bugs are easy to solve and taken care of in a short delay. For this to be possible though, bug reports need to follow those recommandations: - include pgloader version, - include problematic input and output, - include a description of the output you expected, - explain the difference between the ouput you have and the one you expected, - include a self-reproducing test-case Test Cases to Reproduce Bugs ---------------------------- Use the *inline* source type to help reproduce a bug, as in the pgloader tests:: LOAD CSV FROM INLINE INTO postgresql://dim@localhost/pgloader?public."HS" WITH truncate, fields terminated by '\t', fields not enclosed, fields escaped by backslash-quote, quote identifiers SET work_mem to '128MB', standard_conforming_strings to 'on', application_name to 'my app name' BEFORE LOAD DO $$ create extension if not exists hstore; $$, $$ drop table if exists "HS"; $$, $$ CREATE TABLE "HS" ( id serial primary key, kv hstore ) $$; 1 email=>,a=>b 2 test=>value 3 a=>b,c=>"quoted hstore value",d=>other 4 baddata